Drones used missiles with knife warhead to take out single terrorist targets (2024)

It slices and dices —

Hellfire missile has spring-loaded blades created to minimize collateral damage.

Sean Gallagher -

Drones used missiles with knife warhead to take out single terrorist targets (1)

Drone strikes have been the go-to approach by both the US military and the Central Intelligence Agency to take out terrorists and insurgent leaders over the past decade, and the main weapon in those strikes has been the Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire II missile—a laser-guided weapon originally developed for use by Army helicopters as a “tank buster.” But as concerns about collateral damage from drone strikes mounted, the DOD and CIA apparently pushed for development of a new Hellfire that takes the term “surgical strike” to a new level, with a version that could be used to take out a single individual.

The Wall Street Journal reports that just such a weapon has been developed and deployed on at least two occasions, based on information provided by multiple current and former defense and intelligence officials. Designated the Hellfire R9X, the missile has no explosive warhead—instead, its payload is more than 100 pounds of metal, including long blades that deploy from the body of the missile just before impact.

“To the targeted person, it is as if a speeding anvil fell from the sky,” according to the WSJ. Some officials referred to the weapon as "the flying Ginsu," because the blades can cut through concrete, sheet metal, and other materials surrounding a target.

The R9X was developed in part as a response to President Barack Obama's mandate to reduce civilian casualties in drone strikes, especially in light of the tactic adopted by leaders of targeted terrorist and insurgent organizations (such as the leaders of the Taliban and Al Qaeda) of using women and children as a human shield in hopes of avoiding drone strikes. While the missile was apparently in development as far back as 2011, the exact timeline of development was not revealed by officials; a similar weapon was considered as an option to take out Osama bin Laden at his compound in Pakistan before it was decided to send Navy SEAL operators in instead.

According to the Journal's sources, the DOD has only used the R9X about six times. The Journal confirmed two strikes—one, in January of 2019 by the Air Force against Jamal al-Badawi, the individual accused of being the mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole (a strike that the Pentagon has officially acknowledged, but without disclosing the weapons used); and a CIA strike against Al Qaeda leader Ahmad Hasan Abu Khayr al-Masri in February of 2017. In both cases, the strikes took out the targets but did not blow up the vehicles they were in—in the case of the attack on al-Masri, there was only a hole in the roof of his Kia and a crack in the windshield.

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  • Sarty Ars Scholae Palatinae

    OrangeCream wrote:

    From other pictures on the internet you can see the laser guidance section is only the first several inches of the Hellfire. Without the blades it seems likely that the missile would skid off anything it's trying to hit.

    The Kia example is probably redundant, as the roof should be thin enough that the missile would penetrate without difficulty, but if this were aimed at a house with cinderblocks, concrete, and wood, then the blades probably help the rocket go through the building.

    This conception is strongly at odds with how heavy, fast-moving objects interact with everyday materials. I invite you to consider the popular after-effect of a tornado or hurricane, the humble 2x4 which punched through a door or wall.
    Drones used missiles with knife warhead to take out single terrorist targets (2)
    Your humble 2x4 masses about 5kg and, in a EF-5 tornado, might be moving as fast as 125 m/s. A Hellfire at burnout masses maybe 20kg (they're about 45kg at launch, but a lot of that is rocket motor) and is moving about 450 m/s. At these speeds, with this much momentum, objects at a reasonable angle of obliquity do not have a tendency to "skid off".

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  • Sarty Ars Scholae Palatinae

    OrangeCream wrote:

    From other pictures on the internet you can see the laser guidance section is only the first several inches of the Hellfire. Without the blades it seems likely that the missile would skid off anything it's trying to hit.

    The Kia example is probably redundant, as the roof should be thin enough that the missile would penetrate without difficulty, but if this were aimed at a house with cinderblocks, concrete, and wood, then the blades probably help the rocket go through the building.

    This conception is strongly at odds with how heavy, fast-moving objects interact with everyday materials. I invite you to consider the popular after-effect of a tornado or hurricane, the humble 2x4 which punched through a door or wall.
    Drones used missiles with knife warhead to take out single terrorist targets (3)
    Your humble 2x4 masses about 5kg and, in a EF-5 tornado, might be moving as fast as 125 m/s. A Hellfire at burnout masses maybe 20kg (they're about 45kg at launch, but a lot of that is rocket motor) and is moving about 450 m/s. At these speeds, with this much momentum, objects at a reasonable angle of obliquity do not have a tendency to "skid off".

Drones used missiles with knife warhead to take out single terrorist targets (2024)
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