Game Roosters For Sale On Craigslist (2024)

1. dallas farm & garden - by owner "game roosters" - craigslist

  • Roosters for sale or exchange for hens. 7/23·Pearland. $10 hide. game chickens ... Game stags for Sale, Gallos de pelea. 7/8·Athens. $150 hide. no image · Game ...

  • dallas farm & garden - by owner "game roosters" - craigslist

2. inland empire farm & garden - by owner "rooster" - craigslist

  • Rooster for sale. 8/11·San Bernardino. $35 hide. Rooster - Asil, 1 ... Gallos gallo roosters rooster gamefowl hen hens. 8/7·Fontana. $100 hide.

  • inland empire farm & garden - by owner "rooster" - craigslist

3. huntsville farm & garden - by owner "game" - craigslist

4. inland empire for sale "rooster" - craigslist

  • GAME FLOW ROOSTERS AND CHICKENS. $0. Phelan · Hens 4 months 25$ each. $25. Apple Valley · Laying hens and roosters for sale/ Vendo gallinas. $17. Hemet.

  • inland empire for sale "rooster" - craigslist

5. houston for sale "game fowl" - craigslist

  • houston for sale "game fowl" - craigslist.

  • houston for sale "game fowl" - craigslist

6. northwest GA for sale "game chickens" - craigslist

7. dallas farm & garden - by owner "gamefowl" - craigslist

  • Game fowl 1. ••. Game fowl. 7/17·fort worth. $75 hide. more from ... Game stags for Sale, Gallos de pelea. 7/8·Athens. $150 hide. Roosters gamefowl ...

  • dallas farm & garden - by owner "gamefowl" - craigslist

8. los angeles farm & garden - by owner "roosters" - craigslist

  • FREE Beautiful young Roosters for sale 1 FREE Beautiful young Roosters for sale · no image · Roosters · 2-3 month old chicks- gallinas-laying hens-roosters 1.

  • los angeles farm & garden - by owner "roosters" - craigslist

9. atlanta for sale "gamefowl" - craigslist

  • Find for sale for sale in Atlanta, GA. Craigslist helps you find the goods and services you need in your community.

  • Find for sale for sale in Atlanta, GA. Craigslist helps you find the goods and services you need in your community

10. dallas for sale "roosters" - craigslist

  • Hens, roosters, ducks, guineas. $1. Hubbard · Goat and Roosters for Sale. $140. Quinlan · Young pullets and roosters. $5. Azle · Game roosters gallos. $75.

  • dallas for sale "roosters" - craigslist

11. athens, GA for sale "game roosters" - craigslist

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  • athens, GA for sale "game roosters" - craigslist

Game Roosters For Sale On Craigslist (2024)


How much do roosters sell for? ›

co*ckerels / Roosters

co*ckerels over 6 months for exhibition will range from $40 - $100 depending on bloodline and quality.

What to do with roosters no one wants? ›

Give them away. The first year we had chickens on the farm we ended up with a Rhode Island Red rooster. They are big, aggressive birds and after he attacked me twice, I knew he had to go. We put an ad in Craigslist and within a couple of days, Stu went home with a nice family who wanted to make him dinner.

How to sell a rooster? ›

If you're sure you have to rehome your rooster
  1. Find a local chicken enthusiast group on Facebook or Meetup, and post a picture of your handsome guy.
  2. Find a small farm near you. ...
  3. Call a local feed store to see if they know of anyone who might want an extra rooster (this is great for finding small farms, too).
Oct 11, 2022

Why buy a rooster? ›

A rooster brings order to the coop.

When a rooster is in residence, the social hierarchy is established. The rooster as peacekeeper will keep order in the coop, tend to an unruly flock and maintain calm.

Are roosters worth it? ›

If you want to keep growing your flock and want cute baby chicks running around in your backyard, a rooster is crucial. Roosters fertilize the eggs of your hens. This does not mean that the eggs your hens produce from now will be inedible.

How many roosters do I need for 100 chickens? ›

We normally recommend one rooster for every ten hens or so. In a large flock, there is often more than one rooster, with no problems. In smaller flocks, it's a greater risk. However, many breeders keep significantly greater numbers of roosters with their girls--one rooster for every two, or one for every five.

What do people do with unwanted roosters? ›

Like cats and dogs, roosters can be put up for adoption. You can go through a humanitarian organisation like the RSPCA if you wish, but note that adoption rates for chickens, and roosters especially, are actually fairly low. Alternatively, you can find a home for him yourself.

What are the odds of getting a rooster? ›

Whether you've hatched out a brood of chicks, bought straight-run chicks, or even bought sexed chicks, knowing which birds are hens and which ones are roosters can be tricky! Chickens have about a 50/50 gender ratio, meaning about 50% of fertile eggs will hatch as roosters and 50% will be hens.

Can I sell roosters on Facebook? ›

Animals: Selling animals or animal products isn't allowed on Marketplace.

How do I get rid of unwanted chickens? ›

Advertise on Craigslist for free birds to a good home. Many poultry people are currently buying and selling on the internet. This is better than asking local 4-H kids, farm families or poultry clubs to take your unwanted birds.

What are the cons of owning a rooster? ›

Are there any disadvantages of keeping a male chicken (rooster) in your backyard? Keeping a rooster can cause neighbors to complain about noise if he starts crowing early in the morning. Roosters can become very aggressive and will attack you or your children and sometimes your other pets.

What is the best rooster to have? ›

#1. Wheaten Ameraucana. Wheaten Ameraucana roosters are known to be docile when they are handled a lot from a young age. They make good flock protectors and are cold hardy since they have short pea combs and no wattles.

How long do roosters live? ›

On average, a rooster's lifespan is about 5-8 years. Sometimes a rooster's lifespan can exceed that of his hens because he does not have the strain of egg production.

Do roosters sleep with hens? ›

A rooster will also want to keep all his hens together and keep them safe. If you teach the rooster that the coop is a safe place, he will happily round up all his hens and lead them to the coop for nightly roosting. He will also try to keep them all together while they are out free-ranging.

What do people buy roosters for? ›

Among these benefits include fertilization, behavior, defense and beauty. First and foremost, roosters provide a free and economic way to increase the size of your flock. Some people only have a few chickens and may be looking to increase the size of their farm or have a need for more eggs.

Are roosters sold as chicken? ›

Unlike the case for the egg industry, where only hens are required to lay the eggs that are sold for human consumption, both male and female meat chickens can be and are grown for meat and are equally valued by the chicken meat industry.

How many chickens do you need for 1 rooster? ›

How many hens are needed per chicken coop. In general, we can opt for a rooster to hen ratio of 1 to 10 or 1 to 12, that is, maintain one rooster for every 10 to 12 hens (in the case of heavy breeds we can go down to 1 male for 5 females).

What is the most expensive chicken breed? ›

1. Ayam Cemani ($2,500) This all-black bird is prized due to a rare condition called fibromelanosis, which causes an excess of dark pigment resulting in jet-black feathers, skin, flesh, organs and bones. The black color is 10 times the melatonin as other chicken breeds.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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